File transfer methods

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rsync -a --inplace --partial --no-compress -v -h --info=name0,progress2,stats2 <HOSTS:REMOTE_SOURCE_PATH>/ <LOCAL_DESTINATION_PATH>/
# or
rsync -a --inplace --partial --no-compress -v -h --info=name0,progress2,stats2 <LOCAL_SOURCE_PATH>/ <HOSTS:REMOTE_DESTINATION_PATH>/

Useful options:

  • -a - implies -rlptgoD
  • -r - recursive
  • -l - preserve links
  • -p - preserve permissions
  • -t - preserve times (needed to avoid update unchanged files)
  • -g - preserve group
  • -o - preserve owner
  • -D - transfer character and block devices, as well as special files such as named sockets and fifos
  • --append-verify - use --append with a checksum
  • --append - allows to continue a interrupted transfer (ONLY to update files known to be growing larger), implies --inplace
  • --inplace - allow to continue a interrupted transfer in place, with no need to transfer the whole file, implies --partial
  • --partial - keep partial files to be used in a subsequent transfer
  • --no-compress - avoid compression, compression is only useful for slow networks

Additional options:

  • -H - preserve hard links
  • -A - preserve ACLs
  • -X - preserve extended attributes
  • --delete - remove from DESTINATION files that does not exist in SOURCE
  • -c - use checksum to compare, instead of time and size (can be slower)
  • -z - compress data before transfer (only useful for slow networks, conflict with --no-compress)
  • -v - verbose
  • -h - human readable
  • --progress - show a progress
  • --stats - show statistics at end
  • --info - allow fine-grained output, for instance --info=name0,progress2,stats2 or --info=name1,progress0,stats2



rsyncd daemon

apt-get install rsync
mkdir -p 750 /srv/backup/YOURDIR/
chown nobody:nogroup /srv/backup/YOURDIR/
mkdir -p /srv/config/etc/rsyncd/
cat > /srv/config/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.conf << EOF
# rsyncd.conf

port = 100873
max connections = 1
timeout = 300
lock file = /tmp/rsyncd.lock
secrets file = /srv/config/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets

comment = YOURDIR
path = /srv/backup/YOURDIR/
read only = no
list = yes
uid = nobody
gid = nogroup
auth users = YOURUSER

# End
cat > /srv/config/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets << EOF
# rsyncd.secrets


# End
chmod 600 /srv/config/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets
chown nobody:nogroup /srv/config/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets
su nobody -c "/usr/bin/rsync --daemon --config /srv/config/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.conf";
tail -10 /var/log/syslog
rsync rsync://YOURUSER@localhost:100873/YOURMODULE